211 Agency Portal

The 211 Colorado database holds information for more than 6,500 services across the state of Colorado. Help keep your agency’s information up-to-date.

2-1-1 Colorado is pleased to offer agencies the opportunity to self-manage their information in our new 2-1-1 Agency Portal. This portal will help keep the 2-1-1 database up to date, so that we are offering the most current resources and information to callers. You can access your account and make updates anytime, including adding additional services and creating customized resource lists. Updates can be made without having to contact a 2-1-1 staff member, giving you complete control over what information is available and when regarding your services. We are excited to provide this new service, which will further strengthen our collective capacity to address the needs of our Colorado communities.

How to Access Your Account
This optional, easy-to-use platform is available to all agencies in the 2-1-1 Colorado database – across the entire state. To learn more and view instructions on how to access your account, view our step-by-step guide: View Instructional Guide

For questions on how to access to portal, please fill the following form to contact a 2-1-1 staff member or email 211database@unitedwaydenver.org.

211 Agency Portal Questions