211 Colorado
Get Connected. Get Help.

"The Resource Navigator was able to help keep me calm and I could tell she genuinely cared. No matter how many times I called for help, 211 was there for me."
211 is a confidential and multilingual service connecting people to vital resources across the state. No matter where you live in Colorado, you can find information about resources in your local community.
211 is a confidential and multilingual service connecting people to vital resources across the state. No matter where you live in Colorado, you can find information about resources in your local community.
Get Connected. Get Help.
The 211 Colorado database holds information for more than 6,500 services across the state of Colorado. These services are supported by more than 2,500 agencies. Search our database by category using the buttons below.
Not sure if you qualify for government benefits?
Meet MyFriendBen.
MyFriendBen helps you understand the government benefits, programs and tax credits you’re eligible for. In less than 10 minutes, you will know the cash value of those programs and the time it takes to apply so you can quickly make a decision that’s right for you.
Articles, stories, and updates from 211 Colorado staff and partners
We know it can often times be difficult and overwhelming to know where to go for help.
211 Colorado streamlines services and provides one central location where people can get connected to the resources they need. With a database that is updated daily, 211 Colorado can connect you to critical resources simply by dialing a three-digit number. Whether you are searching for a shelter availability, childcare, or rent payment assistance – 211 can connect you to available resources in your community.
Our history:
In 1999, community leaders across the state of Colorado began working together to develop an integrated system of independent information and referral call centers. In 2002, the Public Utilities Commission approved the plan, and the 2-1-1 dial code was officially active in the state of Colorado. Today, 211 Colorado provides border-to-border coverage of Colorado, serving all 64 counties.
211 Colorado is provided by seven non-profit organizations.
211 Colorado prides itself on having the most up-to-date information on community resources. If you work with an agency that provides community resources, please make sure your organization’s information is up-to-date.
To meet Inform USA standards, each agency’s information should be updated at minimum once a year.
United Way of Weld County
P: 970.353.4300 or 800.559.5590
E: 211colorado@unitedwaydenver.org
A: 814 9th Street
Greeley, Colorado 80631
Mile High United Way
P: 303.561.2111 or 866.760.6489
E: 211colorado@unitedwaydenver.org
A: 711 Park Avenue West
Denver, Colorado 80205
United Way of Larimer County
P: 970.407.7000 or 866.485.0211
E: 211colorado@unitedwaydenver.org
A: 525 West Oak Street, Suite 101
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521
Western Colorado 211
P: 970.244.8400 or 888.217.1215
A: 1129 Colorado Avenue
Grand Junction, Colorado 81501
Pikes Peak United Way
P: 719.955.0742 or 866.488.9742
A: 518 North Nevada Avenue
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903
211 for Southeast Colorado
P: 800.762.6169
E: 211@srda.org
A: 230 North Union Avenue
Pueblo, Colorado 81003
Supporting 211 helps fellow Coloradoans find vital services such as emergency shelter, food, rental and utility assistance, child care, health care and more. By dialing 2-1-1, families and individuals can get help when they need it most. You can support this effort by:
Donate funds to ensure we can meet the needs of our community through the 211 Help Center.
Share the importance of 211 with community leaders, legislators, funders, and citizens.
Have you utilized 211? Help us spread the word so others know how to leverage 211 resources.